Welcome to Canoe Procurement Group of Canada's Procurement Portal
The Procurement Portal allows prospective suppliers to create a Canoe Procurement Portal account at no cost to the supplier. Suppliers who select one or more commodity codes for equipment, products and services they offer will receive system-generated notifications by email of new Canoe opportunities matching their commodity code selection
Canoe will post various public solicitations such as Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Quotations (RFQ) Request for Information (RFI) on this Procurement Portal for interested vendors to respond to.
Prospective suppliers are solely responsible for ensuring their supplier account information is kept current.
For step by step instructions on how to create an account please refer to the Vendor Guide
For information on Canoe Procurement Group please refer to our Supplier information page.
Canoe does NOT charge a fee for creating or maintaining a Canoe Procurement Portal account or for accessing Canoe solicitation documents.
Please visit Sourcewell's procurement portal for Sourcewell opportunities.
Procurement Support:
If you have questions about a specific opportunity please direct your inquiry to the contact person listed in the solicitation document.
Technical Support:
If you encounter technical issues, please contact support@bidsandtenders.ca
The following is a list of our current online opportunities. Please refer to the Status column in the list to determine if the solicitation is open, closed or awarded.
Creating an account to the procurement portal does not make a supplier a “Canoe Approved Supplier”. Interested suppliers must respond to a Request For Proposal issued by Canoe Procurement Group of Canada and be awarded a contract in order to become a "Canoe Approved Supplier".
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